Navigating a Greener Future for Coweta's Residents.

My name is Tess Higgins and I am running to be the next Coweta County Commissioner in District 4.  I decided to run because development over resident quality of life continues unabated. Trees and green spaces are being replaced by huge swaths of concrete, and with this growth, traffic continues to worsen as more cars filter in with no clear plans to mitigate the congestion or improve our roads. 

I believe that diversity at the table leads to fresh ideas and new approaches to problems. I'm running to take that seat. 

In fact, I have already started working, talking with residents, neighboring cities, and state agencies, researching existing infrastructure problems, analyzing potential solutions, and building relationships. 

It's time for change.

Vote for me on November 5th and let me be your voice for progress in a greener direction.

Andrew Bailey Park

Repair and maintain existing County infrastructure BEFORE adding additional facilities.

Millage Rate Increase

I am opposed to the millage rate increase. I believe the County needs to balance it's budget and this should NOT be on the backs of us the taxpayers.

Applicant Video

Applicant Video Submission: District 4 Seeks County Commissioner who understands budgets, bipartisan politics, possesses leadership qualities, and will work for the betterment of the County. Hire date: 11/5/24.


Before       Big


Planning for the greener future for Coweta County starts by electing leadership who represent your interests, have the passion to work for a better community, and the tenacity to provide rebuttals to excuses like "that's not in the budget", or "we just have to raise taxes".  It's a lack of vision, or passion - maybe both.

"I’ve had the great pleasure of knowing Tess Higgins for the last seven years. First as a neighbor and then as fellow board members of our HOA where Tess was the Treasurer. As you can imagine, serving on an HOA board requires many skills – some include negotiation, communication, leadership, confidence, integrity, passion and not being afraid of change. Tess is a valuable co-worker, confidant, team member and most valuably – a friend who’s always willing to help."  - Dale Joiner




Traffic Conditions

Create Task Force of residents, experts, and stakeholders to audit intersections and spots of heavy congestion.

Traffic simulation software, like Trans Modeler, for transportation management and better decision making. 

Pursue Federal grants for adding roundabouts and other improvements.

Work with GDOT on new entrances to I-85.

Walk, Bike, Transit

Complete Streets implementation for all road work projects going forward.

Cycling Safety Ordinance to build separate bike lanes with safety barriers designating specific streets that should be included. Set timeline to complete (ex: 7-10 years). Goal: Reduce cycling accidents to 0 and shift trips from single occupancy vehicles.  

Reduce Vehicle Trips with bike paths and transit improvements.

Add sidewalks for walkers connecting neighborhoods to nearby schools and parks so our kids can travel safely.


Star Gazing

Mandate Dark sky rated outdoor lighting for street, commercial, and retail using low temp. LED lamps reducing light pollution, energy consumption, disruption of ecosystems' natural cycles without compromising safety.

"Education Dark Sky" program encouraging residents use across Coweta County.

Flood Mgmt.

Install Bioswales alongside roads, in medians, and parking lots to treat stormwater runoff.

Focus on opportunities to retrofit sustainable drainage as part of other scheduled maintenance, repair & improvements.

"Tess Higgins is a very dedicated, determined, individual. She gives fully and freely of herself and has a servants heart. Tess is always willing to lend a helping hand. She comes highly recommended, by me, for the position of District 4 Coweta County Commissioner."  
- Deborah Benson


  and    Green



Sidewalks connecting neighborhoods to nearby schools and the park so our kids can travel safely.

Public parks and green spaces with bike and walking paths, benches, picnic tables, and trees for shade. 

Pocket Parks

Identify spaces for pocket parks, particularly in parts of the county lacking public green spaces and companies and organizations willing to sponsor.

Ornamental Trees & Benches

"In Memory of" Program where an ornamental tree or bench with plaque to commemorate a loved one.

Community Led Change

Encourage formation of "Friends of" Groups across Coweta County Parks made up of citizens to work with Coweta Parks and Rec on upgrades, playground additions, special events, beautification days, Federal grants, clean ups, tree and bench donations, etc.


Incorporate inclusive playgrounds into parks across Coweta County so children of all ages, and abilities can play, be challenged and have fun together. Multiple swings for all ability levels. Everyone loves to swing!

"Tess is a great companion on backpacking trips throughout North Georgia. Our heavy packs and the elevation changes always make for a challenging hike, but her determination and good spirits always make the going a little easier and more enjoyable. I know she’ll bring these same qualities to her work as a District 4 Commissioner."      - Becky Godlasky


   for         the 


Routine roadwork and scheduled improvements are built-in opportunities to add improvements that will directly improve the quality of life of Coweta's Residents. 

Bioswales can easily be retrofitted during any landscape modification or parking lot / street resurfacing.  In fact, construction and maintenance costs for bio-retention are often lower than those of conventional stormwater management systems.

Pass mandates requiring builders, large business, and developers to plan and build with minimal impact to environment.

Pursue Federal Grants and funding for projects. 

Involve citizens to take part in improving the community.

It's time for change.

Vote yes for Tess November 5th and let me be your voice for progress.

"I met Tess 2 1/2 years ago playing ukuleles. I liked her immediately! After getting to know her I realized that she was a person on a mission. When she comes into a situation, she always improves it. As a human being, she always makes things better; not just for herself, but mainly for everyone else. She is a dear friend and someone who will make you proud as district 4 commissioner."
 - Mike Stillman


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